Aarhus University Hospital
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99
8200 Aarhus N
Primary contact: help@scandiatransplant.org
Medical Director
Specialist in Nephrology and Internal Medicine
Email: kaj.joergensen@skejby.rm.dk
Clinical Data and Office Manager
Primary contact person concerning organ allocation and the Scandiatransplant web-application.
Email: ilse.duus.weinreich@scandiatransplant.org
Cand.Scient from Aarhus University
Lead development of system and security
Master IT
B.Sc Computer scientist from Aarhus University
Development and maintenance of web-application.
B.Sc.E.E. from the Engineering College of Aarhus
Development and maintenance of web-application.
Cand.Scient from Aarhus University
Development and maintenance of web-application.
Clinical Data Manager
Development and maintenance of web-application.
Email: anoe@scandiatransplant.org
Email: kfm@scandiatransplant.org