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Scandiatransplant Peadiatric Heart and Lung Group (A scientific pediatric subgroup of SHLG)

Chair: Thomas Møller for 2024 (Norway/Oslo)

National Key Contact Persons for 2023-2024:
Denmark, Klaus Juul (Copenhagen)
Finland, Timo Jahnukainen (Helsinki)
Norway, Thomas Møller (Oslo)
Sweden, Michal Odermarsky (Lund) Håkan Wåhlander (Gothenburg)


Taisto Sarkola (Helsinki, Finland)
Tiina Ojala (Helsinki, Finland)
Anu Kaskinen (Helsinki, Finland)
Maria Huskainen (Helsinki, Finland)
Karin Tran-Lundmark (Lund, Sweden)
Oscar Van Der Have (Lund, Sweden)
Aslak Kristiffersen (Oslo, Norway)

By-laws of SpedHLG


Meeting minutes April 26th, 2024, hosted by Oslo
Meeting minutes October 20th 2023, hosted by Gothenburg
Meeting minutes Sept. 29th, 2022, hosted by Gothenburg
Meeting minutes April 22nd, 2022, hosted by Helsinki
Meeting minutes October 29th, 2021, hosted by Helsinki
Meeting minutes April 14th, 2021, hosted by Helsinki
Meeting minutes October 23rd, 2020, hosted by Helsinki