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May 2024 - DICOM, changes to PW for liver and liver-kidney, local units in extractions
February 2024 - kidney rotation list, extension of organ offer evaluation, introduction of OEO organ offers
November 2023 - new organ offer forms, transfer of follow up center (kidney registry), calculation of pre-tx DSA
September 2023 - new PDF format in e-mails, user defined columns in kidney search overview
June 2023 - changes to DD (NRP, liver measurements, etc), first update to the kidney search overview and PDF
February 2023 - New PDF format, changes to STAMP and kidney search, ABO blood groups and payback

November 2022 - Real-time statistics, new STEP QCs and updated thoracic guidelines
October 2022 - Part 9 in DD project, revision of lung registry and other developments in YASWA
June 2022 - Part 8 in DD project, organ offers to specific centers, and other developments in YASWA
May 2022 - Part 7 in DD project and other developments in YASWA
March 2022 - Part 6 in DD project, revision of NPRTSG initial form and other developments in YASWA
January 2022 - Changes in STAMP and other developments in YASWA
November 2021 - Part 5 in DD project, viceral and ped. liver recipients and modifications in STEP
October 2021 - Part 4 in DD project and new liver patient quality controls
September 2021 - Part 3 in DD project and new patient survival date
June 2021 - Part 2 in DD project
May 2021 - Part 1 in DD project
April 2021 - Developments in YASWA
January 2021 - Developments in YASWA
November 2020 - Liver payback snapshot, ABO double blinded entry and new donor features
June 2020 - Developments in YASWA
April 2020 - 2 - Kidney payback snapshot and revision of thorax registry part 3
April 2020 - Covid-19 registration
March 2020 - Developments in YASWA
January 2020 - Changes in STAMP and LAMP
December 2019 - New kidney payback rules and STEP
November 2019 - Organ offers to others and revision of thorax registry part 2
September 2019 - Ischemia time and cDCD parameters
May 2019 - Change of password and other developments
April 2019 - First STEP match run and feedback on cDCD parameters
February 2019 - New pancreas registry and organ report form
January 2019 - introducing DPB1 match in STAMP/LAMP
December 2018 - 2 - Developments in YASWA
December 2018 - Change in kidney exchange rules and test of new pancreas registry
October 2018 - 2 - Introducing DPB1 in STAMP/LAMP v2 and upload files on deceased donors
October 2018 - Developments in YASWA
September 2018 - Developments in YASWA
June 2018 - 2 - STEP for test
June 2018 - Change in pancreas rotation list and introducing Fusion to YASWA data transfer
April 2018 - Developments in YASWA
February 2018 - Introducing DPB in STAMP/LAMP
January 2018 - Developments in YASWA
December 2017 - Developments and introduction of SAE/SAR reporting system
November 2017 - 2 - Change in guidelines and introducing new payback registration system
November 2017 - Developments in YASWA
September 2017 - 2 - New Deceased Donor Death Causes
September 2017 - Developments in YASWA
August 2017 - 2 - Reorganisation of living donor registration

August 2017 - Developments in YASWA
June 2017 - 2 - Developments in YASWA
June 2017 - Change in liver rotation list and introducing Tartu
April 2017 - Developments in YASWA
March 2017 - Developments in YASWA
December 2016 - 2 - Change in kidney exchange rules and new recommendations on pancreas exchange
December 2016 - Developments in YASWA
November 2016 - Developments in YASWA
August 2016 - Developments in YASWA and SMS/mail on urgent/kind request patients
June 2016 - 2 - Developments in YASWA and SMS/mail on urgent/kind request patients
June 2016 - Developments in YASWA and SMS/mail on urgent/kind request patients
May 2016 - Developments in YASWA, Scandiatransplant Articles of Association and SMS/mail on urgent/kind request patients
April 2016 - Developments in YASWA, access to data and update on Scandiatransplant Articles of Association
March 2016 - Developments in YASWA - Updates in existing modules
January 2016 - Hardware/software updated - Quality Controls
December 2015 - 3 - Developments in YASWA - Updates in existing modules
December 2015 - 2 - Closing down access through the old user interface
December 2015 - New liver exchange and rotation rules and developments in YASWA
November 2015 - 3 - Postponed close down of access to the old user interface
November 2015 - 2 - Developments in YASWA - Nordic Thorax Transplantation Registry, updates and paediatric liver waiting list
November 2015 - Closing down access through the old user interface
October 2015 - Developments in YASWA - Nordic Thorax Transplantation Registry and updates
September 2015 - Developments in YASWA - Updates, deceased donor registration and transplantation
July 2015 - Developments in YASWA - Updates, deceased donor registration and transplantation
May 2015 - Developments in YASWA - All recipients (incl. STAMP/LAMP)
April 2015 - Developments in YASWA - Nordic Liver Transplant Registry and All recipients
March 2015 - Developments in YASWA - All recipients
February 2015Developments in YASWA - Urgent waiting lists and kidney recipient search
October 2014 - Living Donor Registry and Nordic Liver Transplant Registry
July 2014 - Maintaining and developing issue
November 2013 - Liver, heart and lung rotation lists
June 2013 - 2 - Organ offers
June 2013 - NLTR 2013 issue
April 2013 - Maintaining and developing issue
August 2012 - New website
June 2012-2HLA-C, tissue typing and search
June 2012 – Living donor registry
March 2012 Maintaining and developing issue
September - 2011 – Tissue typer 2011 issue
May - 2011 – Council of Representatives 2011 issue
December - 2010 - NKG2010 issue
July-2010 - STS2010 issue
April-2010 - Tissue typer issue