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KI Tx Follow Up Import

Scandiatransplant: KI Tx Follow Up Import
  • Import files must be in Microsoft Excel, .xls-format ([BIFF8]) or .xlsx
  • Import files must contain these columns in the designated order:

  • Renal repl. treatment at tx. types:

1 Hospital haemodialysis or haemofiltration

2 Home haemodialysis or haemofiltration

3 Intermittent peritoneal dialysis

4 Continuous peritoneal dialysis

5 Transplantation

6 pre-emptive is only for kidney tx. with no dialysis (if graft loss, the graft loss date must be the same as next tx date)

  • Import files should contain one header row. The first data row must follow immediately after the header row.
  • Follow up dates

    Death date = follow up date
    Graft loss date = follow up date
    Both Death date and graft loss date –> graft loss date = follow up date
    All others 01-01-20xx/31-12-20xx (first day of this year/or last date of last year)

  • Validation rules (done by the Scandiatransplant office)
        • Data in Person number (birth date + civil registration number), Tx number, Tx date and Follow up date is obligatory for the import script to run
        • The person number must match the database person number
        • The nationality of the recipient must belong to the user country
        • A database kidney Tx record with the given Tx number must exist
        • The import Tx date must differ at most +/- 1 day from the database Tx date
        • Date cells must be ExCel Date type. Date formatting does not matter
        • Follow-Up date must not be before Tx date
        • Tx date must not be before Donation date as registered in the database
        • Onset date must not be before Donation date as registered in the database
        • Graft loss date must not be before Donation date as registered in the database
        • Death date must not be before Donation date as registered in the database
        • Tx date must not be before Renal replacement treatment date
        • Onset date must not be before Renal replacement treatment date
        • Graft loss date must not be before Renal replacement treatment date
        • Death date must not be before Renal replacement treatment date
        • Onset date must not be before Tx date
        • Graft loss date must not be before Tx date
        • Graft loss date must not be before Onset date
        • Death date must not be before Tx date
        • Death date must not be before Graft loss date
        • Death date must not be before Onset date
        • Renal replacement treatment codes must be one of numbers 1-6


    • Logging
      • All import records are logged in a CSV format log file
      • Database values deviating from the import values are logged


    • Import actions:

    Date of Follow Up will be overwritten if a record already exists
    Onset date will be overwritten
    Graft loss cause will NOT be overwritten.
    Graft loss date will be overwritten if a record already exists.
    Death cause will NOT be overwritten.
    Death date will be overwritten if a record already exists.
    Date of first renal replacement treatment will be overwittten
    Renal replacement treatment type (dialysis or tx) will be overwittten
    Cold iscemia time will be overwritten if a record already exists.

    • Update Follow Up Status =

    1 if no graft loss and death records exists
    2 if only graft loss record exists
    3 if only death records exists
    4 if graft loss and death records exists